Hi, my name is Hamada. My journey into barbering started way before I even knew how to hold a pair of scissors. I grew up surrounded by the buzz of clippers and the smell of shaving cream, thanks to my Turkish-Syrian roots. From my family’s barbershop to the streets of my hometown, the whole scene just fascinated me.

I’ve been in the industry for 14 years now and the last 5 have been something else. It’s like my passion for cutting hair went from a job to a calling. Suddenly, it wasn’t just about snipping away; it was about creating experiences, making memories, and telling stories with every snip.

What’s at the core of it all? Simple: spreading good vibes. For me, barbering is more than just a trim; it’s a chance to connect with people, share laughs, and leave them feeling like a brand new person. It’s all about those little moments of connection, you know?

But hey, I’m no one-trick pony. I’m always on the lookout for ways to up my game, whether it’s picking up new tricks or staying on top of the latest trends. Because why settle for good when you can be great, right?

As for the future, I’m dreaming big. I wanna see barbering become more than just a job—it’s an art form, a community, a way of life. And I’m ready to do my part to make that happen, one haircut at a time.